Thursday, NOVEMBER 24, 2022
With the increase in Covid-19 numbers in Victoria, we'd like to take the opportunity to update you on what measures we're taking at Balwyn Evergreen.
What is the current Victorian Government advice for seniors?
People aged 65 and over have a higher risk of falling ill with Covid-19. The Victorian Government is encouraging people in this age group to be proactive about taking precautions with their health:
Stay up to date with your vaccinations and accessing antivirals – talk to your GP if you have any concerns
Keep existing medical appointments and don't delay routine screenings
Wear a mask if you feel you need to
Keep up physical activity – make sure you spend time outdoors
Stay connected with friends, family, your community and services that support your mental health and wellbeing
What does this mean for Balwyn Evergreen Centre services and programs?
There is no change to how we are operating, and all our programs and services are running as usual. We encourage you to come along and enjoy your activities. Your health and wellbeing are our number one priority, and we want to assure you that Balwyn Evergreen Centre continues to be the safe and welcoming environment it always has been.
What precautions are we taking for you?
For your safety, and in line with Government advice, we are taking the following precautions for you:
All our staff and volunteers are fully vaccinated and will stay home if they have any symptoms
Wearing masks during face-to-face programs and activities, on the buses and in communal areas
Maintaining social distancing where practical
Continuing with handwashing and sanitation practices
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us on 03 9836 9681 or email
For more information visit
We hope to see you soon!